‘Switch’ Like Driving Behind A Lawnmower
Have you ever been driving on a two-lane highway and gotten stuck behind someone going roughly 15 mph below the speed limit? Even in the best of situations, when you
8 Days a Week
TODAY Special Events PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF NWA ARTISTS RECEPTION — 6 to 8 p.m., Arts Center of the Ozarks, 214 S. Main St., Springdale. artscenteroftheozarks.org or 751-5441. RAZORBASH — 11
I ❤ ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’
Every generation seems to try and define universal truths on their own terms.
All events listed in 8 Days a Week are open to the public. To submit a listing, send to Fayetteville Free Weekly, P.O. Box 1607, Fayetteville 72702, or e-mail rdavis@nwaonline.com, at least two weeks prior to event. Submissions are printed as space allows. Photographs and art are also considered.
Live Music
Want your band listed? E-mail information two weeks in advance to rdavis@nwaonline.com.