'Tangled' Up In Solid Entertainment
Disney’s stable of animated princesses are a very big deal, both financially and culturally. Trust me, as the father of a 4-year-old girl, I consider myself as an expert on the subject.
Harry Potter: Review Proof
Look, after six movies in the “Harry Potter” series you are either fully invested and are eager to see this thing through to the bitter end or you stopped caring so long ago that the only harry potter you know is the bearded dude down the street with the kiln.
BY GUSTAVO ARELLANO Dear Mexican: I’m thinking of moving to Mexico. I’m a first-generation mexicano. Speaking with my parents about moving, they’re absolutely against it, insisting that it’s violent and
Packing A Punch
The Punch Brothers defy all artistic categories except for “good music.”
Building on a matrix of acoustic bluegrass and pop, they merge folk lyricism, rock, jazz and classical. They collaborate with diverse distinguished artists such as Bela Fleck, Yo-Yo Ma, Joshua Bell, Mike Marshall and Edgar Meyer. Their TV/radio appearances include Leno, Letterman and Prairie Home Companion. An authentic string quintet, their virtuoso talent, prodigious energy, zest for innovation and a generous dollop of goofiness have led to national and international prominence and rave reviews, and of course, legions of devoted fans.
Terra Studios To Host Angel Fest
Angel Fest will be held in the new Terra Studios Event Center on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 13-14. The two-day event will showcase the talent of Northwest Arkansas’s women musicians.
'Unstoppable' Motion
Director Tony Scott is essentially a high-class version of Michael Bay. Now I’m fully aware that this backhanded compliment is akin to calling someone the prettiest girl at the dance when the only other girl to show up has a peg-leg, halitosis and a rocking case of the mange.