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Featuring Phunbags!

By Blair Jackson TFW Editor No, not those kinds of fun bags. Please, people, show a little maturity. Though, the phunbags in question would never allow the opportunity for a

8 Days a Week

Things to do This Week

SPECIAL EVENTS LIFE STYLES HOLIDAY SALE — 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today and Friday at the Blair Center in Springdale. Benefits Life Styles Inc. LifeStylesInc.org or 521-3581. ELISE TAYLOR


DJ Domewrekka and Dubstep

By Blair Jackson TFW Editor Ricky Black is a local DJ who specializes in dubstep, a genre that has led the trend in the underground electronica scene for the past


'El Camino' One Hell of a Ride

By Kevin Casey TFW Contributing Writer Back in October, The Black Keys released their first single “Lonely Boy” for their new album “El Camino.” The music video consists of a

8 Days a Week

Things to do This Week

SPECIAL EVENTS MFA EXHIBITION ARTISTS RECEPTION  — 4:30 p.m. today at the University of Arkansas Fine Arts Center Gallery in Fayetteville. Show runs through Wednesday. art.uark.edu/fineartsgallery or 575-7987. SCHMOOZE JAZZ:


12.8 – 12.15

TODAY Fresco Cafe and Pub, Fayetteville: DJs Rev. Stiles and the Beat Bachs George’s Majestic Lounge, Fayetteville: Here Come The Mummies! JJ’s Grill, Fayetteville: Jeff Fox JJ’s Grill, Rogers: Miller


Teenage Vampire Saga Continues to Suck

By Matt Dekinder Contributing TFW Writer   After watching what is now the fourth (!) “Twilight” movie I now know how Bond must have felt when he faced off against

8 Days a Week

Things to do This Week

SPECIAL EVENTS FIRST THURSDAY RECEPTION   — 5 to 8 p.m. today at the Fayetteville Underground, East Square Plaza Basement, 1 E. Center St., Fayetteville. “Art for the Holidays” exhibition. FayettevilleUnderground.com


'Bad as Me' Good as Ever

By Tim Newman TFW Contributing Writer Tom Waits’ 17th studio release, “Bad As Me,” dives further into the experimental blues-rock sound of Waits’ 1999 release, “Mule Variations,” while expanding deeper



TODAY George’s Majestic Lounge, Fayetteville: The Woods Brothers, Seth Walker JJ’s Grill, Rogers: Barett Baber Legacy Blues Lounge, Fayetteville: Leah and Jones, The Traveling Wheel Bearings Pesto Cafe, Fayetteville: Sarah