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Review: The Walking Dead, Ep. 7 "Crossed"

The Walking Dead has had an extraordinary first half of it’s fifth season. This show has always been really good, but this season has raised the bar to truly great television, week in and week out. Once again, I cannot wait until next week.


Review: Constantine, Ep. 5 "Danse Vadou"

Oh, Constantine. It is not looking good for you, old friend.


Review: The Flash, Ep. 6 "The Flash is Born"

The show’s big story centers around a scary scenario for most scrawny nerds like Barry live in fear of; his childhood bully got superpowers.


Review: Gotham, Ep. 9 "Harvey Dent"

Gotham is finding it’s footing, slowly but surely, but the more they insist on winking at the audience with these little bits and various nods to the future, the less believable this entire thing becomes.


Review: The Walking Dead, Ep. 6 "Consumed"

This week on The Walking Dead, the further adventures of Carol and Daryl!


Review: Constantine, Ep. 4 "A Feast of Friends"

Constantine’s biggest problem at this point is consistency. It’s a little understandable, considering the behind-the-scenes drama that happened before the show even made it to air.


Review: The Flash, Ep. 5 "Plastique"

The Flash is such a welcome vacation from the dismal trips taken to Arrow or Gotham, where everything is super dark and serious, all the time. The Flash is fun.


Review: Gotham, Ep. 8 "The Mask"

We begin this week with a procedural setup, as two ski-masked men battle to the death on a closed circuit television, the loser’s body being fawned over by Harvey Bullock and Eddie Nygma as Gordon arrives on scene.


Review: The Walking Dead, Ep. 5 "Self Help"

The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 5 “Self Help” Rating: A+ Well, for the second week in a row, we’ve been given a cliffhanger with no payoff on the next.


Review: Constantine Ep. 3. "The Devil's Vinyl"

Constantine Season 1, Episode 3 “The Devil’s Vinyl” Rating: A- Last week’s re-pilot seems like much more of a bump in the road than a map of what is to