A Return Journey — Mercury retrograde
As Venus becomes stationary direct, Friday (Nov. 16), Mercury becomes stationary retrograde. An interesting intersection of planetary movements. Although soon in direct motion, Venus will remain in her retrograde shadow
Best Man For The Sob and Denial Of Cervix
Woe Is Meow I lost over 100 pounds. I’m really proud of my myself and my new body, so I post pix on Instagram. Disturbingly, I’ve got a few haters
Dressing for a blind date
Q. This may be a strange question, but what is a safe look for a first date? I am a groomsman at a college friend’s wedding next month in Memphis,
Scorpio – Moments of Crisis & Nine Tests
Scorpio is a most interesting sign, it is also the most mysterious. Before we enter Capricorn, Scorpio offers us points of crisis & moments of reorientation, two deeply important functions
Best Man For The Sob and Denial Of Cervix
Best Man For The Sob I’m a 28-year-old guy with an amazing girlfriend. She gets upset and sometimes cries, and I never know how to soothe her. I’m afraid to
Clothes Matter
Q. Yesterday I attended a meeting and ran into a man whom I was thinking of inviting to a party I am having. I had only met him once before
Halloween – The Dweller, the Angel & the Nine Tests
Here we are already at Halloween (Wednesday), All Saints and All Souls Days (Thursday & Friday). We still have time to create altars to honor the dead. Altars filled with
Apartnering Up
My husband and I started having problems when I found an email he sent to his ex-girlfriend saying, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I want to spend
How to make your footwear a style shoe-in
Q. I read your article about shoe colors and would like to know if you will comment about tennis shoes and dress? In my city there is a well-known TV
Business Meating and Droop-Dead Gorgeous
Business Meating A man asked me for my number at an event, saying he wanted to take me to dinner. I told him I’d just ended a relationship and wasn’t