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Risa's Astrology

The Bird Chirps of the Future

In sacred liturgy, the days of December 26 – January 8th are referred to as the 12 Days Of/After Christmas – a time in which we walk with the Three

Advice Goddess

Foul Pay and Keeping It Rio

Foul Pay I went out with a feminist who was all into women’s empowerment, but when the bill came, she made no effort to chip in. Please explain this type

Male Call

Sock it to me

Q. I have been reading your column in our paper for some time. Thank you. My problem is that the cotton dress socks I buy fade after a few washings

Advice Goddess

Fifty Shades of Go Away and Remorse Code

Fifty Shades Of Go Away I’m the female author of a funny memoir about sex addiction and relationships. Unfortunately, I now have male readers asking me on dates via email,

Risa's Astrology

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All

Winter Solstice. Return of the Light. Return of the Sun. End of darkness. Our hearts, our inner Sun, vivifying, coming alive again. Solstice (Yule) is Friday, (a complex day) when

Male Call

Quieting down loud shirts

Q. I have some shirts that are non-traditional business colors (for instance, one is what they call salmon). How can I wear them for work? A. Unusual colored or bright-colored

Advice Goddess

Things That Go Bump In The Knight and Girls Just Wanna Have Funding?

Things That Go Bump In The Knight I’m confused. Does treating women as equals mean not doing those things that would previously have been considered chivalrous, like opening doors and

Risa's Astrology

I Looked Up and Saw a White Horse

We are in our last days of 2018. Soon the new year begins. We have less than a month till Christmas and then the New Year. Till then, we have

Male Call

Don’t sweat sweater details, a handy guide to fashionable sweaters

Q. I moved a couple of years ago from New Orleans to Little Rock, where the winter temperatures get pretty cold. I own a few sweaters now and need advice.

Risa's Astrology

Festivals of Light, New Moon, Mercury in Shadow

The upcoming week is active and can feel rather complicated. We are in the midst of Hanukkah, Jewish Festival of Lights (it began last Sunday evening, Dec. 2nd& ends Dec.