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Risa's Astrology

Jupiter Retrogrades, Palm Sunday and Passion Week

We have eventful and complex weeks ahead. Jupiter is stationary retrograde Wednesday. Sunday(April 14) is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week(also called Passion Week). All leading up to Good Friday(&

Advice Goddess

Android Rage and Taking Care of Buzzness

There’s Something About Marriott I’m a married lesbian. Yesterday on the phone, my wife invited her sister to spend the night (in our small one-bedroom apartment) without asking me. When

Male Call

Blazers vs. Suits

Q. Can I wear blazers with trousers of the same color (when they are not suits)? I have two black blazers, one new and fashionably cut and one somewhat older

Advice Goddess

Android Rage and Taking Care of Buzzness

Android Rage I’m so tired of these supposed magician multitaskers on their cellphones. The guy I’m dating and some of my friends don’t seem to get how disrespectful it feels

Risa's Astrology

New Moon & the New Group of World Servers

The new moon occurs early morning Friday, April 5th, at 15 degrees Aries. New moon times are festival times of the new initiating light. As the pale crescent moon appears

Male Call

How much is too much?

Q. In your recent column on washing white T-shirts, you did not say how much bleach to put in a load. My wife passed away, so I am learning. Please

Risa's Astrology

Aries: Mars to Mercury — Our Destiny Changes

Mercury turns direct Thursday in the early morning at 16 degrees Pisces. Mercury remains in its retrograde shadow until the 17thof April. We therefore move forward cautiously with plans, communications,

Advice Goddess

The Litter Mermaid

The Litter Mermaid I’m not the best housekeeper or the tidiest person. I’ve got papers everywhere, dishes in the sink, clothes on the floor, and an unmade bed. I have

Male Call

Don’t sweat sweaters at the office

Q. I get cold easily and the thin windows in my office do not help, so I often wear sweaters to my fairly formal work. Sweaters are standard for many

Advice Goddess

Crone’s Disease and Worst-Chase Scenario

Crone’s Disease I’m a straight single woman nearing 50. My best friends are a lesbian couple. I’m going to get some nonsurgical skin tightening on my face, and they got