What shirt is this?
Q. I have a few of those shirts with two different patterns. There is the main pattern that you always see, and another one that only shows when you open
Sotally Tober and A Body At Rust
Sotally Tober I spent years on and off drugs and alcohol, but I’ve been sober for six years. I’m just not the same self-centered immature brat I was. Last week,
New Moon & the Ascension Festivals
We have two festivals this week – each one a different developmental stage for humanity. The first (Thursday) is the Ascension (Catholic, Pisces Age of love, hope, vision) festival, the
Modern suit fashions
Q. 15 years ago I was required to dress rather formally for business. Then I went to a business casual office (polos and chinos), and that is what I have
Within All Shadows is a Point of Light
We are in a potent and pivotal time astrologically. Saturn (restructure), Pluto (transform) and South Node (past incompletions show up) are all in Capricorn (Initiation). All structures, previously secret, veiled
Sister Knives and As Fade Would Have It
Sister Knives My sister dates super hot guys, but she’s always telling me that looks aren’t what matter and I should go for a man who’s stable and reliable. Is
Gold glasses, silver jewelry clash
Q. Can gold-framed glasses be worn with silver jewelry or silver belt buckles? How much of an issue is non-matching? A. While there are not many elements of men clothing
Having It Tall And Meek My Day!
Having It Tall I’m a 6’2” woman. What’s the ideal way for me to respond when people (almost always men and total strangers) ask, out of the blue, “How does
Don’t overreact to being overdressed
Q. Fairly often I go to events and discover I am overdressed. I’d rather not risk being underdressed, so can you suggest solutions besides just staying in my suit, shirt,
Wesak – Buddha Taurus Full Moon Festival
Saturday (May 18th) is the Wesak (Buddha) Festival, the 2nd Spring Festival of the year. Since Winter Solstice, disciples around the world have been preparing for this Taurus festival. It