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Advice Goddess

Pier Pressure

I got laid off when my company relocated. I was unemployed for 10 months while I tried unsuccessfully to find a job. During this time, my wife resented that she was working and I was “off.” She’d criticize the housework I did, saying I never dusted or swept well enough.

Risa's Astrology


Libra is moving swiftly toward Scorpio, sign of money and resources held in common. Libra prepares for Scorpio by providing us with the ability to see and choose between two realities — the past, old habits and desires, or the future, new values, structures, archetypes.

Advice Goddess

Putting The Spark Plugs In The Relationship

Five years ago, My Love and I shared our first kiss. Since then, we’ve been seeing each other three times a week for an hour. We spend this hour in

Advice Goddess

Advice Goddess

I’m 28 and my boyfriend of five years is 29. I’m ready to get married, and he’s flat-out not but wants us to stay together.

Risa's Astrology

Risa's Astrology

Horoscopes for Sept. 30-Oct. 6

Advice Goddess

Gaunt With The Wind

I’m 23, and my girlfriend of a couple months is 20. I’m taller than her, although I’m only 5-foot-7, and very thin (I weigh less than she does). I just have the feeling that she’s not that turned on by me.

Risa's Astrology


Risa’s Astrology for Sept. 23-29

Risa's Astrology


ARIES: Something appears, is seen, recognized, brought to balance and creates an interlude in your relationship(s).