Chinese New Year, 2014 — Green Wood Horse (馬 午)
By Risa D’Angeles “…Wood gives unconditionally, giving itself to the fire ‘til there’s no more wood. This means there will be opportunities in 2014. And then they disappear.” Chinese New
Dinner And A Second Mortgage?
By Amy Alkon I know you’ve discussed how the guy should pay on the first few dates. I’ve been dating a pretty fabulous woman for a month, and I’m dipping
Aquarius — Waters of Life Poured Forth For Thirsty Humanity
By Risa D’Angeles The Sun is in Aquarius. The new Age is the Age of Aquarius. Humanity is Aquarius. The New Group of World Servers, at the threshold of each
Weirding Bells Are Ringing
By Amy Alkon I am a bridesmaid in a wedding in four months and haven’t been able to think of a guy to be my date. I recently met a
Water Spirits & White Magic — the Magical Work of the Soul
By Risa D’Angeles “The water spirit said the waters of the world are so poisoned (due to human contamination) that the water spirits’ (they protect the waters) life-force is weakening,
Eat, Pray, Barf
By Amy Alkon My girlfriend and I just got back from vacationing in India, where we lived in an ashram (essentially a yoga camp) and she studied yoga and meditation
Down On His Luxe
By Amy Alkon I’ve always loved surprising my wife with expensive jewelry and lavish vacations. However, I lost my job, and my new job pays far less. There’s barely money
Lost Am I In Light Supernal, Yet On This Light I Turn My Back
By RisaD’Angeles We’re under the Light of Capricorn, the Light of Initiation. Capricorn is the 2nd of “two gates,” — Cancer (Gate into matter [womb]) and Capricorn (Gate back to
Final Journey of the Magi — From Scorpio to Pisces to Epiphany
The week begins with Aquarius moon (Thursday morning). Appropriate for continuing the astrological Twelve Days of Christmas. The foundational knowledge in the Aquarian Age is the study of astrology. Which
Kin I See You Naked?
By Amy Alkon I’m 22 and deeply in love with the wrong person — my uncle-in-law (my mom’s sister’s husband). We started confiding in each other, one thing led to