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Male Call

Blue jeans in the office: Debunking the dilemma and navigating workplace attire

Q. You’ve written a few times in recent weeks about blue jeans as if they are an acceptable choice in the office. It’s fine to work in your yard with

Male Call

The Rising Trend of Stretch in Men’s Fashion

Q.  I ordered a few pairs of Levi’s recently and my wife said they fit much better than in the past. I wondered why and she pointed out that they

Male Call

Striking a Balance Between Style, Enjoyment, and Traditional Norms in Men’s Fashion

Q. You recently wrote that men shouldn’t have to spend time and energy thinking about their clothing. Isn’t that exactly the point of your column? Telling us to dress up, combine

Male Call

Style and Function: A Guide to Modern Raincoats for the Sophisticated Older Man

Q. What type of raincoat do you suggest for an older man? The one I have doesn’t look quite right.  A. The best choice these days for any man is a

Male Call

When to wear white after Labor Day

Q. I attended an evening party recently and a couple of men were wearing white pants. What’s going on? I thought white was no longer in fashion in the fall.  A.

Male Call

Proper attire important even for the retired

Q. I enjoy your column and often wish I wasn’t retired. There was a point in my career when I dressed as young doctors were supposed to. As I have now retired,

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Is the pinstripe suit In or Out?

Q. I inherited an expensive navy pinstriped suit and am wondering if it would be worth altering it. I saw a politician wearing a pinstriped suit recently; but since I

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Proper attire for a military wedding

Q. I am getting married in November and am busy planning the wedding. My gown is very dressy and I would like the wedding to be quite formal. My fiancée

Male Call

Style flourishes men can use to stand out

Q. A few weeks ago, you wrote about “flourishes that a man can use to stand out.” Recently I saw a morning anchor on TV who seemed ridiculously dressed. He

Male Call

How work attire has changed since Covid

Q. These days, with so much emphasis on casual dressing, do people still care how they dress at work? It seems that offices had stopped caring about dress rules even before