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Risa's Astrology


Libra is moving swiftly toward Scorpio, sign of money and resources held in common. Libra prepares for Scorpio by providing us with the ability to see and choose between two realities — the past, old habits and desires, or the future, new values, structures, archetypes.

Risa's Astrology

Risa's Astrology

Horoscopes for Sept. 30-Oct. 6

Risa's Astrology


Risa’s Astrology for Sept. 23-29

Risa's Astrology


ARIES: Something appears, is seen, recognized, brought to balance and creates an interlude in your relationship(s).

Advice Risa's Astrology

The changing of the season

VIRGO: You will want to come out of the shadows and into a greater light. Standing in shadows, perhaps in the shadow of another is of comfort to you. However, there comes a time when we each must define ourselves, recognize our own self-identity, understand what we initiate, realize that we’re responsible, summon our confidence and seek a new support system.

Risa's Astrology

Burning Man: Life In Cities

During this Mercury in Virgo retrograde (Aug. 20-Sept. 12), the Black Rock Arts Festival, Burning Man, the yearly “desert art-piece on the playas,” begins, distilling all facets of community creation,

Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retro In Virgo

THE WEEK: Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde Friday and lasts three weeks.