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Advice Risa's Astrology

Weekly Horoscope

ARIES: The key thoughts for Aries this year — in order to feel victorious in the midst of transformations in the world — are quality, value, sustainability, right relations with

Advice Risa's Astrology

Weekly Horoscopes

CAPRICORN: You curb yourself when self-righteousness floods your lower mind. You never want to disregard others’ opinions. However, you know there is great truth beyond opinions and you seek that

Advice Risa's Astrology

Weekly Horoscope

ARIES: Your life direction will come into focus along with who you want to be in the coming year. These are very important considerations. What are you striving toward? What

Advice Risa's Astrology

Weekly Horoscopes

  Capricorn: Revolutionary CAPRICORN: You act like a traditionalist but are actually a revolutionary. You may not show up in person for the Occupy movement but you’re with them heart,

Advice Risa's Astrology


I attended an Alternative Giving Fair in Fayetteville, Arkansas last week. Table after table of gift alternatives focused, not upon individual ephemera (tinselly) needs, but upon humanity’s needs — their

Advice Risa's Astrology


Sagittarius Seeking TAURUS: You are seeking resources for generations to come so everyone can feel safe and secure and continue your important work. Look far and wide, while focusing on

Advice Risa's Astrology

Sagittarius Seeks Spiritual Unity

ARIES: In the next month assess the many ways you are valuable. Perhaps this is difficult. Ponder upon and make lists of your gifts, abilities, kindnesses, good associations, good deeds,

Advice Risa's Astrology

Scorpio in a State of Reorientation

ARIES: It’s most important to find the “pause that refreshes” because there’s such an onrush of activity, ideas and ideals, wanting to travel and discovering new realities and details, important

Advice Risa's Astrology


ARIES: A sense of regeneration is transforming your intimate relationships, also the shared finances and resources. You could experience intense feelings of love or passion or anger or resentment. It’s

Advice Risa's Astrology


ARIES: Are you pursing the arts of pleasure or romance? Is the thought of risk appealing? Do you sometimes feel like there’s not enough love in the world? You will