Risa's Astrology
A Full Moon and Farewell to a Fierce Poet
Good Friday is also the Full moon, solar festival of Aries (all things new). The Light of Aries is the Light of Life Itself summoning the Spirit of Restoration to “Restore the Plan on Earth.” The New Group of World Servers, reciting the Great Invocation, calls humanity to identify as World Disciple, World Server and World Savior with an invitation to join the NGWS to help “Restore the Plan on Earth.” This is humanity’s “Call to Resurrection.”
Mercury Stationary Direct
Sunday is Palm Sunday. Fresh palms lined the streets in Jerusalem when Jesus, the Christ, passed through. As the people recognized He was the Pisces World Teacher, He realized this was the Path toward His betrayal, death and Crucifixion (an Initiation we all take) at the end of the week. Appropriately the moon’s in Leo (leader) and Mercury’s in Pisces (sacrifice to save the world).
St. Patrick's Day
Saturday, Aquarius moon, is St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick taught the Trinity, the three Aspects of God, Will, Love/Wisdom & Intelligence with three-leaf clovers.
What on Earth Will it Take?
“Thrive” explains the new physics, unveils government and money coverups, global consolidation of power controlling all aspects of daily life and offers real solutions to empowerment, activism and how to reclaim our lives …
Risa's Stars
This last week of February has an added day. It’s leap year. Thursday, Mercury joins the Mars retrograde. We ponder upon many things but cannot act on them until after
Risa's Stars
We have a week of planetary shifts: celebrations, a new moon and a secret birthday. Thursday, Mercury and Chiron team up in Pisces, the sign of compassion and saving the
Risa's Stars
We begin the week on Thursday, with Venus joining Uranus in Aries. Venus represents money, resources and values. Uranus creates the revolution and new archetypes that are needed, while Aries
Risa's Stars
Thursday is Groundhog Day. Will the groundhog see his shadow and return to his burrow? It’s also Candlemas Day, a day of astronomical and religious significance that represents a time
Risa's Stars
Everyone has heard (and talks) about Mercury retrograde. Lesser known are Mars and Venus retrogrades, joining Mercury retrograde this year. Mars retrograded Jan. 23 (last Monday) a long three-month Mars