Advice Goddess
Carbon Dating
On dating sites, where the face-to-face embarrassment of overstepping the bounds of reality has been removed, 70-something men are hitting on 30-something women as fast as their wrinkly fingers can hit “send.”
Bridle Party and June Wetting
Unless your girlfriend’s name is Moses and she’s just come back from a mountaintop chat with God, she doesn’t get to hand down commandments: “You look at some other woman’s woohoobies and I’ll ask The Big Guy to smite you.”
Advice Goddess: All Is Not Flossed
When you read a book about the horrible chemical weapons used in World War I, you shouldn’t think, “Hey, that reminds me of kissing my girlfriend.”
Are We Having Fund Yet?
We all dream of finding that special someone to pay the cable bill.
All Doc And No Action
By Amy Alkon I’ve been going to the same primary care doctor for a few years. I’m very attracted to him, and I believe he’s attracted to me, too. There’s
Gone With The Windex
By Amy Alkon I’m a woman sharing a house with several roommates. We’re all in our mid-20s. This one male roommate and I sometimes cook meals together, and we share
Watching Paint Die
By Amy Alkon I’ve been dating a girl I really like for six weeks. She pays her rent with a 9-to-5 job but studied painting at art school and wants
Six-Month Lay Away
By Amy Alkon For my New Year’s resolution, I committed to not having sex for the first six months of the year and then another six months from whenever I