Advice Goddess

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Advice Advice Goddess

Putting The Removes On Someone and Hello. Is It Me You’re Cooking For?

Putting The Removes On Someone I recently had my addiction recovery memoir published. I’m very honest and vulnerable in it, and readers feel super-connected to me because of it. Most

Advice Advice Goddess

Girl-On-Girl Inaction and For Whom The Cell Tolls

Girl-On-Girl Inaction I hate to be trite, but my wife and I are experiencing “lesbian bed death.” We’ve been happily married for three years. I’m not sure why we’re not

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A Brief History Of Tame


Darth Vaper

I’m a 45-year-old single guy seeking a long-term relationship. My problem is that when I’m interacting with a woman I’m attracted to, my ability to read whether she’s interested in

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Hipster Replacement and The Customer Is Always Frightened

Backbone To The Future I’m a man in my 60s. Looking back on my romantic life, I was always the guy women spent time with when their husband or boyfriend

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Hipster Replacement


The Customer Is Always Frightened

Hipster Replacement I’m a 57-year-old lesbian, and I’m only attracted to much younger women (very early 20s). We’re obviously in very different places in our lives, and these “relationships” don’t

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Flee-Bitten and Shudder Speed

Satin Worshipper My parents said they’d give my fiance and me money for a wedding or for a down payment on a home. They aren’t wealthy, so my fiance and

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Flee-Bitten and Shudder Speed

Flee-Bitten For three months, things were going really well with this man I was dating. He’d introduced me to his daughter. We’d even planned a trip together. And then he

Advice Goddess

Remaining Chased and Pedal To The Settle

Remaining Chased I have a history of terrible relationships that end in awful heartbreak. The advice I keep getting is to date down — get together with a man who

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Whim Chill Factor


Full Metal Jackie

Whim Chill Factor A guy I know through mutual friends finally asked for my number, claiming he’d like to see more of me. I was elated, but he never called.

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Waity Issues


Crime of Compassion

Waity Issues I’m a married gay woman. Whenever I ask my wife to discuss some problem in our relationship, she’ll say, “Can we talk about this tomorrow” (or “later”)? Of