The Power to Heal: Play Music on the Porch Day at Mildred Cooper Chapel

The Power to Heal: Play Music on the Porch Day at Mildred Cooper Chapel


“What if for one day everything stopped? And we all just listened to the music.”

That’s the motto for the yearly celebration Play Music on the Porch Day that invites musicians to go outside and play a tune. This year it falls on Aug. 31, and it’s location is right out your front door. Whether it’s with a group or solo, for an audience, or just in front of Mother Nature, the day is meant to be a casual celebration of music.

You can view a worldwide map of all participating musicians on the official Play Music on the Porch Day website or share your own video and view others’ with the #playmusicontheporchday on social media.

For many people, music is a strong force that inspires and unites in unexpected ways. Gary McCarty, a musician and music instructor, will bring that force to the tranquil grounds of Mildred B. Cooper Memorial Chapel in Bella Vista. This particular event, now in its second year, converts the Chapel’s walking route into a live music experience and provides guests with an opportunity to listen and linger in the beauty of nature and sound.

McCarty initially had the idea for the event while walking his dog along the Chapel’s pathway. He usually celebrated the annual day playing alone outside of his home, but one day, McCarty said he thought the chapel would be a cool place to gather people, have several different musicians play and just let people wander around.

McCarty began his musical career as a percussion major in college, but he subsequently switched to the dulcimer after being inspired by a Renaissance Festival in Kansas City.

“As a musician for all these years, I’ve always enjoyed situations where I just happen to come across musicians in various places, and I just like the concept of music that it has such a power to heal and to motivate and to change moods,” McCarty said. “So the idea of just pausing and listening to music appeals to me very strongly.”

This year, McCarty intends on performing a blend of Irish jigs and traditional fiddle tunes.

In attendance will be five other performing soloists or groups to play on the grounds of Cooper Chapel.

Singer/songwriter Steven Van Hefty will be performing with his two boys, ages 12 and 15. Van Hefty said he and his two sons put on a neighborhood concert last summer and they’ve performed multiple times at The Meteor Cafe during their open mic nights. He also occasionally gets roped into performing for his son’s school, but he doesn’t mind.

Van Hefty is originally from Wisconsin and said he loves how personable the community is here in Arkansas. It’s apparent to him how much they love showing up to events like this one.

Their performance will be outside on the walkway of the chapel.

“It’s more intimate that way, and you’re able to interact with people more directly,” Van Hefty said. “You’re not just shouting into the void.”

The music Van Hefty and his boys will be performing will be a range of original works, some blues songs and country songs.

The Arkansas Winds Horn Force, made up of eight performing horn players, will also be in attendance at the Chapel. In between their sets, a speaker with a prompt will tell a little about the pieces they are going to perform. They lined up a couple compositions based on poems and will be performing the score to “The Mandalorian.” A little stuffed Grogu (baby Yoda) holding a French horn will be in attendance.

A saxophone ensemble, a clarinet ensemble and Barbi Nolte of Halfmoon Melodies Native American Flute are also set to perform at the Chapel.

To celebrate the worldwide day doesn’t require anything big; you can simply have a performance in your own yard like March to August, the married duo Derrick and Jodi Mears. They plan on simply having people over to their home to listen to a few songs of their own and then join them in a pickin’ circle.

The circle itself captures the essence of Play Music on the Porch Day by inviting any level of musician to play music with a group of people. It invites a level of spontaneous community-driven music making that fully encompasses the day.

Jodi Mears said she will be recording their performance and sharing it globally with the hashtag. She said she loves the idea of a recognized global entity that has to do completely with music.

“We all get caught in our own lives and our own things and don’t interconnect with the folks that are around us,” Derrick Mears said. “That’s why we look forward to this kind of event. It’s a way to interconnect with people in our neighborhood through music.”


Play Music on the Porch Day

WHEN — 9-10:30 a.m. Aug. 31

WHERE —Mildred B. Cooper Memorial Chapel, 504 Memorial Drive, Bella Vista

COST — Free


Categories: Cover Story