Sawyer Hill turns up the volume on viral moment

Sawyer Hill turns up the volume on viral moment

With the same wide-toothed grin and bright blue eyes, Sawyer Hill still looks like the kid who started playing in bands with seniors as a freshman. His baritone vocals, on the other hand, would suggest that guitarist under his long wavy brown hair is much older than 24.

Youthful appearance aside, he’s taken notes in the near decade that he’s been part of the local rock scene. He remembers playing alongside road warriors twice his age and watching newbies burn out.

“You have people that are doing well and are professional … that’s inspiring for anyone, obviously,” Hill said. Then some people got lost in drug abuse and other destructive behaviors.

“Over that long period of time from, age 15 to now 24, being able to see how that plays out in the long run has shown me the kind of ethic that it takes to not just lose your mind doing something like this for so long,” he added while on the road to Seattle for the next show in his first big tour.

Hill played guitar in local bands like the former Drawing Blanks. Those shows led to regional tours that he said were fun and he wouldn’t trade for the world. However, he’s taking on the world with his latest band, under his name.

After experimenting with posting reels between social media platforms, this February he broke through with his song “Look at the Time,” which broke No. 1 on Spotify’s Viral 50 chart in the U.S.

“I think it’s easier now than it’s ever been in human history to engage with any large audience no matter what it is you’re doing. That’s just the nature of the Internet and how connected things are,” Hill said. “You can have someone like me who is just a small town kid, spinning their wheels, [but] you do the right things and you can be seen by the entire world, and it’s really a blessing.”

“Look at the Time,” which was recorded in front of only 40 people then viewed by millions online, was followed by more videos that also garnered a high number of views. The exposure led Hill and his band to AWAL/(dis)harmony and their biggest tour to date. They close the state-side run of the “Look at the Time” tour on Aug. 2 at George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville. Then they head to Europe in the fall.

While his viral presence certainly helped spread the word about his music, Hill said the music draws in the crowds.

“I don’t think strictly ‘virality’ correlates to ticket sales, because you can go viral for anything,” he said. “I think it also has to do with the type of music that we play. There are people who have songs on the Billboard charts and can’t sell a hundred tickets in these rooms.”

He and the band — drummer Leandro Walter, bassist Josh Larson and lead guitarist Blake Doyle — aren’t relying strictly on the viral moment. They work on demos in the van and record during sound checks to keep the momentum going.

“There is no soaking in the moment,” Hill said. “There’s fleeting moments where it’s like, ‘This is cool.’”

Those moments include booking a European tour. And rocking out with crowds in historic venues.“The reason we all do it is for the shows,” he said. “People want to see a good rock show in person and have somebody with a guitar get up in your face and go crazy and everybody’s screaming. That’s kind of what we offer with our shows. It’s one of those things you have to see in person.”

While it’s fun selling out shows in cities as far away as Minneapolis, Pittsburg, Washington D.C. and others, there’s no place like home.

“I love Fayetteville. I love Arkansas. I’m excited to play a show where all my friends and family can make it out. And it’s good sleeping in my own bed before the show. Being able to go home after the show is gonna be great.”



Sawyer Hill with opener Never Ending Fall

WHEN — 9 p.m. Aug. 2

WHERE — George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville

COVER — $15 advance, $18 door


Categories: Music