Festival of Trees glows at Mount Sequoyah, Ozark Ballet shares ‘The Nutcracker,’ more holiday events

The first ever Festival of Trees at Mount Sequoyah in Fayetteville opened to the public on Nov. 30.
“It’s really great, fun holiday moment,” says Grace Dilday, an experience coordinator at Mount Sequoyah Center. “We’re going to have community members, businesses and individuals alike decorate and donate Christmas trees, which will line the Great Room of Parker Hall, which is one of the oldest buildings on campus. The trees will then be auctioned off throughout the event, and the proceeds will then benefit the historic preservation of spaces like Parker Hall.
Over the two week celebration, there will no cost and ticketed events such as caroling nights with hot cocoa and cider, pictures with Santa and the Wampus Wonderland Christmas Fair Dec. 3-4. The festivities will conclude with the Cheers to 100 Years Cocktail Party from 5-7 p.m. Dec. 10.
Fenix Arts will be co-host of the Winter Wampus Wonderland arts and crafts fair being held at the Mount Sequoyah Creative Center on from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 3 and noon to 4 p.m Dec. 4. A large selection of small artworks by represented Fenix Fayetteville artists will be presented for holiday gift ideas at the Fenix Gallery. The display will include members’ original works selected to be appropriate for gift-giving. This is a “Buy and Take” show; any artwork may be taken at the time of purchase. Fenix will host music, refreshments and more artists at the Millar Lodge. Gallery hours during the winter will be noon to 5 p.m. Friday, noon to 6 p.m Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday.
Dilday adds that there is a gift shop with locally made goods and local honey in the parlor room of Parker Hall throughout the event. Find more information and events during the Festival of Trees, visit mountsequoyah.org/experience/nwafestivaloftrees.
Ozark Ballet Theater
Ozark Ballet Theater will present ‘The Nutcracker’ at four locations throughout Northwest Arkansas. The first showing will be at 7 p.m. Dec. 2 at the the Berry Performing Arts Center at John Brown University, 1400 W. Valley Drive in Siloam Springs. The second show will be at 2 p.m. Dec. 10 at The Medium at 214 S. Main St. in Springdale. The final performances will be at 2 p.m. Dec. 17 and 18 at Don Tyson School of Innovation at 2667 Hylton Road in Springdale. Tickets are $30. More information and ticket links at ozarkballettheater.com/thenutcracker.
Bella Vista
Holiday Dulcimer Music — With Gary McCarty at 2 p.m. Dec. 7; 1 p.m. Dec. 14; 11 a.m. Dec. 19; 11 a.m. Dec. 21 at Bella Vista Public Library, 1 Dickens Place, Bella Vista. bvpl.org
The Perfect Harmony Christmas Concert — With a food drive for the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank, 3 p.m. Dec. 18 at Highland Christian Church, 1500 Forest Hills Blvd.
Cookie Walk — Guests may choose from thousands of homemade cookies baked by Highlands United Methodist Church volunteers from 8:30-11 a.m. Dec. 3. The annual cookie walk includes a Sweet Shoppe with coffee and homemade cinnamon rolls, sticky buns and muffins, soups-to-go and holiday crafts. Highlands United Methodist Church, 371 Glasgow Road. $12 per decorated cookie tin.
The Rink at Lawrence Plaza — Open through February, a 7,000-square-foot ice skating rink at 214 N.E. A St. $7 per skating session including skate rental. Ice skating lessons are available through Bentonville Parks and Recreation. See bentonvillear.com/1375/Ice-Skating-Lessons for more information.
Bentonville Christmas Parade — 6 p.m. Dec. 10 in downtown Bentonville. This year’s theme is “Colors of the Season.” Find out more about the parade and the route at downtownbentonville.org.
“The Nutcracker” — The classic ballet is presented by Northwest Arkansas Ballet at 7 p.m. Dec. 2 and 1 & 7 p.m. Dec. 3 at the Arend Arts Center in Bentonville. Tickets are $25-$35 at nwaballet.com/the-nutcracker.
“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” — The Herdman kids, probably the most inventively awful kids in history, star in a church Christmas pageant. On stage Dec. 9-10 and Dec. 16-17 at Trike Theatre, 902 S.W. Second St. Tickets $15 at triketheatre.org.
Eureka Springs
Holiday Window Decorating Contest — Vote for the best shop window in downtown Eureka Springs at christmasineureka.com/holiday-window-decorating-contest. Winner will be announced Dec. 10 at Basin Spring Park.
Lights and Train Village — Drive-through light display at the Great Passion Play continues until Dec. 31. A Snow Train Village with 300 buildings from the 1930s to 1950s, three Lionel 0 scale trains, a Lionel 0 scale trolley, and a Polar Express train. Hours 4-8 p.m. Fridays, 2-8 p.m. Saturdays and 4-8 p.m. Sundays. Admission $5; kids 5 and younger free. Great Passion Play Grounds, 935 Passion Play Road. greatpassionplay.org.
Christmas Maker’s Market — Featuring 20 artists and craftspeople from 2-6 p.m. Dec. 2 and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 3 at Main Stage Creative Center, 67 N. Main St. Cider reception with the artists on Dec. 3 ahead of the Christmas parade.
Christmas Parade of Lights — The Basin Park Tree Lighting happens at 5 p.m. followed by the annual Eureka Springs Christmas parade at 6 p.m. Dec. 2 in downtown Eureka Springs. This year’s theme is “A National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” See more information about the parade and other events at christmasineureka.com.
Santa in the Park — Santa will be at Basin Spring Park for the first three Saturdays in December 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m.
Christmas Tree Forest — The trees light up at 6 p.m. Dec. 3 on the east lawn of the Crescent Hotel. On display through Jan. 1.
Tour of Homes — A self-guided walking tour of homes decorated for the season with Victorian-attired docents to relate the history of each home begins at 2 p.m. Dec. 3. Tickets $25 at eurekaspringspreservationsociety.org.
Santa Brunch — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 4 in the Crystal Dining Room of the Crescent Hotel. crescent-hotel.com.
“A Christmas Carol” — A TheatreSquared tradition featuring the classic Christmas tale of the redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge on stage Dec. 1-24 at TheatreSquared, 477 Spring St. theatre2.org/christmas-carol.
Lanuti’s Glass Studio Show — Featuring glass work by Denise and Rich Lanuti, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 2 & 3, 623 E. Rock St. in Fayetteville. Free. 200-8207.
The Community Creative Center Holiday Market — Opens 9 a.m. Dec. 3 with drinks and snacks. The market will run through Dec. 18. Winter workshops available through Dec. 11. See communitycreativecenter.org for more information.
Lights of the Ozarks — With more than 500,000 LED lights on display nightly from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. through 1 a.m. Jan. 1. Downtown Fayetteville square.
“It’s A Wonderful Life, Right?” — An original Arts Live Theatre adaptation about a teen from Bedford Falls and the angel who shows them what would happened if they never existed. Dec. 8-11 at Arts Live Theatre, 818 N. Sang Ave., Fayetteville. artslivetheatre.com
Santa — He’ll be in downtown Fayetteville on the following dates to meet and snap photos with during Lights of the Ozarks. There is no cost to meet or take photos with Santa. Dates will be Dec. 9, 5-8 p.m.; Dec. 10, 6-9 p.m.; Dec. 11:, 3-6 p.m.; Dec. 16, 5-8 p.m.; Dec. 17, 6-9 p.m.; Dec. 18, 3-6 p.m.
Jingle Bell Jog — Runners and walkers of all ages are invited to the 10th annual Jingle Bell Jog 5K & Children’s Fun Run at the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks, 4703 N. Crossover Road. Ugly Christmas sweaters, Santa hats, elf ears, and anything that sparkles and jingles is highly encouraged. 5K begins at 9 a.m. and the Children’s Fun Run starts at 10 a.m. Dec. 17. No pets please. $45 for 5K, $17.50 for fun run. bgozarks.org.
Beth Stockdell Holiday Harp — Beth Stockdale performs holiday music on harp at 11 a.m. Dec. 2 at the Fayetteville Public Library. faylib.org.
Temple Shalom — Learn about Hanukkah with Temple Shalom at 10 a.m. Dec. 3 in the Walmart Story Time Room at the Fayetteville Public Library. faylib.org.
“Christmas in the Blitz” — Northwest Arkansas Audio Theater presents radio theater as performed during the 1940s, complete with actors, music and sound effects at 3 p.m. Dec. 3 in the Williard and Pat Walker Community Room at the Fayetteville Public Library. faylib.org.
The Little Craft Show Holiday — with 100+ makers, artists, and creatives from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 4 at the Fayetteville Town Center, 15 Mountain St. facebook.com/thelittlecraftshow
The Swingles: Together for the Holidays — London-based acappella group The Swingles bring their holiday tour to the Walton Arts Center at 4 p.m. Dec. 4. Tickets are $10 at waltonartscenter.org.
Martina McBride’s Joy of Christmas Tour — Country music star Martina McBride will bring her annual The Joy of Christmas Tour to the Walton Arts Center at 7 p.m. Dec. 18. Tickets are $99-$149 at waltonartscenter.org.
White Elephant 5K & 1 Mile run/walk and race — Registration open through Dec. 10. Course starts on the Mountain Street side of the Fayetteville square at 8 a.m. The 5K course will have one water/aid station near the halfway point. Pre/post race celebrations will be on the Town Center Plaza. Goody bags and timing devices will be available for pick up from 4-6 p.m. Dec. 9 at Rush Running in Fayetteville. 5K Adult (16 and older), $30; 5K Youth, $15; 1 mile adult, $20; 1 mile Youth, $10. Information and fayetteville-ar.gov/4056/White-Elephant-5K-1-Mile.
The Snowman: A Family Concert — The tradition continues! Join in for a special screening of “The Snowman,” based on Raymond Briggs’ classic children’s book, with the original score performed live by SoNA. Following the screening, Music Director Paul Haas will lead the audience in a sing-along of holiday favorites. 2 p.m. Dec. 11 in Baum Walker Hall at the Walton Arts Center. Tickets are $10 at waltonartscenter.org.
Holiday Hangar Dance — Dinner, dance lessons, silent auction and more at Arkansas Air and Military Museum, 4290 S. School Ave. Tickets are $60 for members, $70 for nonmembers and $23 for kids. Email frontdesk.aamm@gmail.com for tickets.
Fort Smith
Festival of Trees — Participants may buy “votes” for their favorite Christmas tree(s) in the Bakery District at 70 S. Seventh St. through Nov. 28. A drawing will be held on Dec. 18 to see who wins the trees. Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Fort Smith. Money raised is used to help various youth organizations. fortsmithoptimist.com.
Christmas Parade — Hosted by by Bonneville House, Clayton House, and Fort Smith Museum of History, the parade starts at 3 p.m. Dec. 10 around Garrison and Rogers avenues. There will be a hot chocolate, cookie and candy cane booth available. Applications to participate in the parade will be accepted until Nov. 30. More information at facebook.com/FSChristmasParade.
Western Arkansas Ballet — Presents its annual Sugar Plum Fairy Tea at 1 & 3 p.m. Dec. 4 at the Glass Pavilion, 100 N. “B” St. in Fort Smith. Tickets are $30 for children and $25 for adults available at www.waballet.org. Call 785-0152 for more information.
“The Nutcracker” — Presented by Western Arkansas Ballet at 7 p.m. Dec. 17 and 2 p.m. Dec. 18 at the ArcBest Performing Arts Center, 55 S. Seventh St. in Fort Smith. Tickets are $30 for adults and $20 for children/students at www.waballet.org. Call 785-0152 for more information.
Story with Santa — Santa will tell a story and be available for photos. 5:30 p.m. Dec. 17 at Bookish, 70 S. Seventh St. bookishfs.com
The Christmas Party with Allison Grace Kyrouac — A Christmas party for everyone starts at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 23. Admission $5, free for children 12 and younger at The Maple Room Pub, 70 S. Seventh St. bakeryfs.com.
Christmas Parade — 6:30 p.m. Dec. 10 on Main Street in downtown Gentry. The lineup will begin at 5:30 p.m. This year’s theme is “Miracles on Main Street.” The parade is sponsored by the Gentry Chamber of Commerce.
Christmas Parade — 4:30 p.m. Dec. 3 on Main Street. The theme of this year’s parade is “A Holly Jolly Christmas.” Prior to the parade, the Gravette Public Library will host an open house with cookies and cider beginning at 4 p.m. Following the Christmas parade, the Gravette Historical Museum will host its annual holiday open house. The high school choir and band will perform.
Prairie Grove
Parade of Lights — 4 p.m. Dec. 10 in downtown Prairie Grove. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be at The American Legion, 120 S Neal St., after the parade. Refreshments available.
Rogers Christmas Parade — The Rotary Club of Rogers and the Rotary Club of Downtown Rogers will coordinate the parade beginning at Fifth and Poplar streets through downtown on First and Walnut Streets. 7 p.m. Dec. 2. Chad and Wendy Kumpe will be grand marshals.
Holiday Open House — The Rogers Historical Museum is once again hosting its annual Holiday Open House from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 10. This year’s theme is “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” This free event features guided tours of the 1895 Hawkins House featuring Clement Moore’s 1822 poem and a look at how families in early Rogers celebrated the season at home. There will also be holiday crafts and refreshments, and of course Santa Claus will be at the museum. Free. rogershistoricalmuseum.org.
“A Tuna Christmas” — It’s Christmas in the third-smallest town in Texas for this sequel to Greater Tuna, Dec. 9-11 and 15-18 at Arkansas Public Theatre, 116 S. Second St., 631-8988 or arkansaspublictheatre.org.
Siloam Springs
Breakfast With Santa — Featuring a photo-op with Santa, a take-home treat and holiday craft. 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 3. $10 per child. [Tickets sold out for 9-10 a.m.] Ticket info at facebook.com/heritageleaguesiloamsprings.
Light up Siloam Springs Christmas Parade — A Storybook Christmas starts at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 2 in downtown Siloam Springs. Hosted by Heritage League of Siloam Springs.
Caroling on the Creek — Holiday classics from elementary, middle school, junior high, and high school music programs in Springdale starting at 5:15 p.m. Dec. 2 at Turnbow Park.
Ornament and Candle Making — 10:30 a.m. to noon Dec. 10 in the Children’s Craft Area of the Springdale Public Library; Air Dry Clay Ornament at 2 p.m. Dec. 10 in the Shiloh Room.
Whoville Holiday Extravaganza — Meet the Grinch and Whoville citizens, have breakfast with Santa, decorate ornaments and cookies and write letters to Santa. Interactive storytelling and dance parties and photo opportunities available. Tickets are $12.50 each or $30 per family. Children younger than 1 free. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 10, Springdale Civic Center, 2323 S. Old Missouri Road.
“Polar Express Movie” and Hot Chocolate Bar — Screening of the classic Christmas movie with hot chocolate. 11 a.m. Dec. 22 in the Children’s Auditorium at Springdale Public Library, 405 S. Pleasant St.
Van Buren
“Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Jr.” — A 60-minute musical adaptation of the beloved television special by Community School of the Arts, 7 p.m. Dec. 9 and 2 & 7 p.m. Dec. 10 at King Opera House, 427 Main St., Van Buren. Tickets are $18 for adults, $15 for children and $12 for groups. Information at csafortsmith.org/rudolph-jr-tickets.
Christmas at the Parks — Christmas displays throughout Historic Downtown Van Buren will be on show through Jan. 1. Get a map and more information at vanburen.org.
Holiday Express Pajama Train — A train ride from Van Buren to Rudy with on-board caroling and letters to Santa on the train and then cookies, hot cocoa and Santa at the depot. Various times Dec. 2-7. See vanburen.org/vanburenchristmas for more details.
Have an event for the our Christmas list? Send it to mhooper@nwaonline.com.