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Male Call

When to wear a black velvet jacket

Q. Given that Coach Cowher, of the CBS NFL Today Team of broadcasters, was wearing a black velvet blazer at the Superbowl, seen by hundreds of millions, is that a

Male Call

Laundry tips for longer lasting clothes

Q. I know you wrote that men’s proportions change over time, even when they don’t specifically gain weight. I wonder if that is why some of my clothes are tighter

Male Call

A bit of ingenuity and some careful planning can lead you to a good fitting shirt

Q. I am a size smaller than most men and need a source for shirts that are 13.5” neck and 33” sleeve. Can you tell me where these could be

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Clothing choices for the thin man

Q. You write that older men who put on weight need to adjust their clothing, but what about thinner men? I have a bit of a belly, but otherwise I’m

Male Call

Choosing a dressier coat for form and fashion

Q. It’s late in the season to buy a winter coat, but mine isn’t cutting it. I just came back from a trip to Paris, where it was freezing, and

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Why are my cotton shirts shrinking? Tips and tricks for proper shirt ownership

Q. I have been upgrading my wardrobe and have decided to go with your suggestion of all-cotton shirts. But I find that they shrink and don’t fit after a couple

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Got an old tie? Should you clean it or toss it?

Q. I have a collection of old and new ties that are not all in good condition. Can they be cleaned or updated, and how do I know if the

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What does “dressed to the nines” mean?

Q. Years ago, on my first formal outing with my new in-laws, everyone had gathered in the living room to leave, when someone remarked that “everyone was dressed to the

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How to look fresh and crisp when traveling

Q. When I travel for work I always have an issue with my jackets or suits looking wrinkled. I have a 3-day trip coming up and would love to get

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A better way to organize your clothes

Q. While New Year’s resolutions are always kind of silly, I’m trying to figure out a better way to address my clothing and closet going forward. I have a bunch