From the black-and-white portraits captured by renowned photographer Andrew Kilgore to the colorful maximalist “Rainbow Trees” created by the Mellow Mountain Coalition to the “grace, poise and elegance of the human body” on display at Fenix Arts, the Fayetteville Gallery Hop is a deep dive into the local arts scene.
It’s also the second event where patrons get a free shuttle service between art galleries with chances to win prizes — all while getting free access to all of the participating galleries throughout the day.
Anita Cowan, with the all-volunteer Fayetteville Gallery Coalition, estimates 700 people participated in the inaugural event last September. This year invites art lovers to start at one gallery, then move on from there.
“You and your friends can park anywhere, whatever is most convenient with you, and check out that gallery and then hop a shuttle that will take you around to all the other exhibiting galleries,” Cowan explains.
This year, she says, the University of Arkansas School of Art arranged for buses to shuttle participants from gallery to gallery for the biannual event, created by the Fayetteville Gallery Coalition. Made up of representatives from nine galleries in Fayetteville, the coalition’s mission, Cowan explains, is simply to promote Fayetteville’s thriving art scene.
“We all got together and started talking and collaborating and dreamed of one day having an event where we had buses that shuttled people from each gallery,” Cowan concludes. “And and then through our working together, we created the Fayetteville Gallery Hop.”
On March 8, the Gallery Hop will include:
Community Creative Center — Featuring “My Heart is a Room Full of Treasures,” a mixed media exhibit “for artists” by Eugene Sargent, Fayetteville-based artist who created the flower and leaf benches near the castle in Wilson Park. Sargent works in a variety of mediums, often incorporating technology into his work.
Sequoyah Hall Gallery — Featuring a group exhibition with work by Helen Kwiatkowski, Dale Heath, Emma Johnson, Jordan Meyers, Kathy Thompson, Martha Guirl Phillips and Taylor Loftin.
Fenix Arts Gallery — Featuring “Go Figure” with a variety artists and mediums celebrating and capturing the grace, poise and elegance of the human body.
Walton Arts Center Walker Atrium & Tyson Plaza — Featuring Andrew Kilgore portrait photography and works by abstract sculptors John Shea and Robyn Horn.
Pond Gallery — The gallery hop corresponds with the last day to see “Rainbow Trees,” featuring artwork from the Mellow Mountain Coalition.
Local Color Studio Gallery — Featuring a retrospective look at the work of Kevin Arnold, “Chapter 25 Flipping Forward to Back.”
The Art Gallery at the NWA Mall — Featuring “Spring Revelations,” with work by 37 local artists. The Art Gallery at NWA Mall also presents the “What We See” exhibit at the Faulkner Performing Arts Center, which is also part of the Gallery Hop.
Admission is free at each gallery, and refreshments will be served. Those who register ahead of time will be enrolled in a raffle, then have additional chances to enter at each gallery.
“The more places you visit, the more chances you have to win,” says Cowan. Last fall, raffle prizes included tickets to events or classes and gift certificates.
The real prize though, is seeing all of the fantastic art and learning more about the local galleries.
“You’ll just get to take in all the lovely art, meet new friends and travel at your own pace to these galleries that are rolling out the red carpet for you,” Cowan says. “It’s going to be a wonderful day of community and art.”
Fayetteville Gallery Hop
WHEN – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 8
WHERE – Community Creative Center, Sequoyah Hall Gallery, Fenix Arts, Walton Arts Center, Local Color, The Art Gallery at the NWA Mall, Faulkner Performing Arts Center and Pond Gallery
COST – Free but registration required at
INFO – Email
But There’s More!
Learn more about some of the artists and galleries in the Fayetteville Gallery Hop in our archives:
Eugene Sargent’s Giant boar:
Kevin Arnold:
Andrew Kilgore:
Helen Kwiatkowski:
Dale Heath:
The Art Gallery at NWA Mall: