Transcendence & the Three Levels of Pisces

By Risa D’Angeles

Sunday is the Full moon Pisces Solar Festival (26 degrees) and Purim, the Jewish Festival of Queen Esther who saved the temple in Persia and her people.

In this last week of Pisces let us understand Pisces more. Our world is made up of energy triangles (like Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic domes). Every person, event, kingdom functions on three levels (personality, Soul, Spirit — the Trinity in all of creation and religions).

Everyone, everything, every nation experiences developmental stages. From darkness to light, from unknowing to knowing, from forgetting (our origins) to remembering, from sleep to being awakened, from chaos to harmony and beauty. In all the signs, as in Pisces there are three levels. Recognizing them in ourselves and others brings forth understanding and compassion (Pisces virtue). Everyone experiences the following stages.

At first we live in opaque waters, then translucent waters, then we become the Waters of Life. At first we seek mediums (channelers) to tell us who we are, what to do, where to go. Then we become mediators, then World Saviors. From unconsciously responding to the world, then sensitive in the world, to including all the world. From blind sensation, to compassion, to identifying with all Creation. From the undisciplined life, to the Crucified life to Resurrected life. From slavery and bondage (many lifetimes), to being a servant to becoming a World Server where we finally realize we are Divine. We are all Pisces during the month of Pisces — the two fish, one looking above, the other below. One sings the other doesn’t. The other dances. Let us ponder upon these things in Pisces.

ARIES: You might seek some sort of transcendent level of communication with God, nature or your Soul. You might choose prayer, meditation, dreaming, philanthropy, tending and care of the ill. Seeking angels and devas and things unworldly to most. Perhaps you will write poetry, music, read Rumi or go fishing. You may fear being lost in chaos, in waters, no boundaries. You may be extra sensitive, lost in imagination and surrender. Whatever the experiences they’re subtle. Pay attention. The other world calls.

TAURUS: Daily, selflessly you share with others all that you study, learn, research and know. Your imagination takes you everywhere in terms of understanding the depths and reaches of world events. You are compassionate and kind. For this reason you seek groups that transcend physical boundaries where chaos is understood. You could become an artist and/or a filmmaker. Filming the new age, the harmony through the chaos.

GEMINI: You wish your work could transcend boundaries and definitions. You’re really a mystic. In the public you dispense information. In your personal inner life you’re quite different. Offering yourself in service, selflessly and idealistically is your real identity, functioning within the imagination, realizing non-physical realities. Some think you’re chaotic and confused. We know you’re visionary, living in other worlds. Like Pisces does.

CANCER: Education is most important to you. Education that is metaphysical, philosophical, cultural and religious. These horizons reach your mind, support your sense of compassion, knowledge and practice of sacrifice and selflessness. Music is most important. It takes you beyond physical limitations to where there are no rules or regulations. You need this often. It produces kindness within.

LEO: At times you feel confused, chaotic and moody, wanting to merge completely with another, dying and coming back to life. Few understand this with you. You hide it well. You create drama so that separations occur. Otherwise you feel you’re drowning. This occurs often with sex for you. Barriers dissolve and this feel dangerous. So you choose ways to maintain safety and boundaries. Study the psychology of the imagination. You’re an artist, tending the kingdoms.

VIRGO: You achieve a transcendent experience when focused upon health, exercise, daily work, organizing, serving and tending to the animal kingdom. Always imagination must be involved. Your work requires selfless compassion. Or the work won’t make sense to you. You’re charitable, a social worker, seeking the welfare of everyone. Your environments must have a spiritual orientation. Routine is most important. Go fishing sometime.

LIBRA: Take special care of your body during this time Strive to maintain vitality of health – physical, emotional and mental and spiritual. Cleanliness (inner/outer) is most important. Drink pure water, orange and lemon juice, fresh vegetable juices daily. Make all work conditions balanced and harmonious. Should disharmony occur, walk away. Do not return. You can overwork. Know you’re always a success, there is no failure. Let all your dreams come true.

SCORPIO: You’re attracted to romantic imaginative people, spiritual and kind, self less and sacrificing. You learn from them. They love you so deeply you discover your true self. Often they are also poets and mystics, musicians and filmmakers. Their imaginations, free flowing and expressive, allow your imagination to come forth. The discovery of your creativity is at times a surprise to you. You’re able to withstand withdrawn and melancholy people, too. You understand them. You are them.

SAGITTARIUS: Your most important transcendent reality is relation with family, heritage, traditions, and mother. You’re a nurturer although you hide this well. It’s important to live in an area that supports and nourishes. Sometimes you long to live in the “motherland”, in or near deep waters, a desert, the woods, monasteries, communities. Sometimes a houseboat will do. Or a family compound. Curved and flowing walls and spaces are best. Nature follows these guidelines.

CAPRICORN: Half the time you are out and about in the community. The rest of the time you’re in a book, under covers, in front of a fire, a Vesta hearth preparing nourishment for others. Sometimes your thoughts are in the clouds. Lost in your imagination you’re also practical with a poetic sensitivity. You feel compassion for your family, neighbors and humanity. Some days are chaotic, other are passionate with conversations. You can be a writer.

AQUARIUS: It’s most important to cultivate goodwill with everyone, especially work associations. Be very aware and cautious of others’ behaviors and agendas. Allow no quick money schemes. Others may practice these dubious behaviors. However you cannot. You must at all times be free and understand what is of value (and what is not). Careful with spending. Give only with love.

PISCES: Approach everything gently and with empathy. Maintain boundaries, yet allow for compassion as well as confusion to inform your life. Create an imagination journal. Listen to music. Allow nothing to cloud a hopeful approach to life. Sometimes Pisces can feel despairing. Feeling life is a dim distant reality for them. Pisces isn’t of this dimension. Their work is to see potential in others and support that potential. It’s a rare gift. Your work. Seeking no consolations. No expectations.

Risa, writer, founder & director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute —

— a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundation of the Teachings is Esoteric Astrology.


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Categories: Advice, Risa's Astrology