The Perseid Meteor showers

Risa’s Astrology

By Risa D’Angeles

The Perseid Meteor showers will light up the night sky becoming dazzling by midnight Wednesday with dozens an hour after dark Tuesday night and before dawn Wednesday morning.

ARIES: Creativity is released when relating to children and loved ones, participating in the arts, playing games and even when looking in the mirror. Simultaneously, work calls you to make future plans. Love is holding you. Can you feel it? Don’t gamble. Get more mirrors.

TAURUS: Home and family are your focus. You seek reassurance. It’s not Mercury retro yet, but the eclipses brought these forth asking what will you do and how long will it take to make those momentous resource decisions? Your body needs concentrated care. Swimming is best and time in the Sun. Are you worried? We stand with you.

GEMINI: Are you sleeping? Are ideas about travel being impressed upon you? Organizing, restructuring and communicating are needed at home. Are you feeling disoriented? What needs discussion? Did something from the past appear? Where is your support? Who do you love?

CANCER: Resources and money are concerns. As you ponder finances, new ideas on how to appropriately use and share your money appear. It’s possible a new value system emerges based on family and world needs. Observe changes in your thinking concerning resources, their availability, source, and how you express yourself through them. Express yourself.

LEO: Happy Birthday. The light of the Sun and south node is creating changes and an ending to parts of your past. Your gifts are many and needed by humanity. Leos have the ability to have both will and love. Do you?

Re-commit yourself as the loving leader. Can you?

VIRGO: Sun in Leo shines in your house of contemplation, spirituality and listening for the voice of God. It’s a proper time for rest and relaxation, for pondering the future by gathering all strands of the past, and assembling new aspirations and daily life agendas. Things may feel a bit disciplined, but you’re able to form a new harmony as your self-identity restructures.

LIBRA: Review future wishes and dreams. Take time away from work and social networks to interact interiorly. New goals and aspirations are forming, thus reforming your values through inner dialogues. Ponder what success means to you. Does it include right human relations and true goodwill?

SCORPIO: What’s happening to your sense of home, family and foundations? For a long time now, perhaps you’ve felt unanchored? There’s a sense of freedom, liberation and expansion. Then there’s a sense of disillusionment and dissolving. These are the tests and trials of Scorpio and they are relentless. The good thing is, they create a deep level of creativity from which to pull from. Gratitude recognizes this.

SAGITTARIUS: You long for adventure, travel, change, opportunities and a clear mind and heart. You’re trying to make sense of the world, but to no avail. As your mind expands in one direction other parts dissolve away and then wounds emerge. It’s like living in a thick cream sauce of realities. Going away somewhere would help. A diversion, a respite. Soon.

CAPRICORN: Attempt more intimacy with loved ones. Intimacy is sometimes reading and communicating. At times, it’s reading scientific materials. At other times it’s reading cookbooks, planning and cooking meals together. You and your family will be working and functioning under divine influences. Watch the stars this week. They send you messages. The beauty will be surprising.

AQUARIUS: With all communications in the coming months, remember to use a tone of nurturance. You could communicate a sense of criticism and strictness others won’t understand. Emphasize instead the importance of recognizing others, praising their work. Remember to radiate kindness and conscious goodwill. Let these define you. They lead to success.

PISCES: Health needs must be focused upon along with creating new agendas and autumn projects. Tend to health very carefully for the next three months. Work ceaselessly in creating a new work environment. Daily exercise and study will keep your energy balanced. As you work, you’ll begin to understand the Buddha’s teachings. Careful with loved ones. Pick and eat berries.

Risa D’Angeles is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, Calif.  E-mail: Web site:

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