Horoscopes Nov. 18-24

Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

ARIES: Relationship interactions will call you to tell the truth, to ask for what you want and need, to reflect and figure out what you’re willing to give in return. Not providing information, not exploring and explaining desires and aspirations in relationships keeps everyone in the dark. True love is communication.
TAURUS: It’s important to plan, create agendas and schedules that structure daily life. It’s important that a routine be established, priorities stated, goals set and details worked out so you can achieve greater efficiency. Allow nothing to get in the way in order to prepare for the future.
GEMINI: For two months there have been inklings of a new creative process emerging. However, the time was not right, the season hadn’t arrived. You know there’s a time and season for everything, and Geminis are smart enough to follow them. It’s time to list the projects you only thought about, choosing several to follow up on.
CANCER: Certain situations have erupted placing you between two different realities you are attempting to balance. However, each day this becomes more difficult, and you become exhausted. What’s at stake are values, and you’re asking what’s most important while home has become a place where change must take place. You need sleep, quiet, rest, comfort and solitude.
LEO: Perhaps it’s been difficult the past two months for others to understand your hopes, wishes, needs. Perhaps it’s been a bit lonely, and you’ve felt misunderstood. Perhaps you longed for clarity and thought it would never arrive. It has now, and it’s just begun. You will no longer have to enter into silent retreat.
VIRGO: Have you been tending to your finances, figuring out resources for a true perspective of where you stand? Is something occurring at home, perhaps a state of anger or dissatisfaction, a sense of restriction that leads to a complete restructuring of your surroundings? Are you wanting to run away from home and wondering if you have adequate funds? Take a bit more time to reflect.
LIBRA: Your body has changed, and in the past several months, a new vision of self has begun to emerge. You find you want to look a certain way that enhances your self esteem, benefits your earning power and creates a balance between how you feel and how you’re perceived. It has been important in the last years for your desires to manifest.
SCORPIO: That nebulous feeling of not knowing anything, even the time of day, the month and perhaps year, is slowly dissolving and with it comes a sense of knowing once again what you want and need. Allow circumstances to present themselves before stepping into new situations.
SAGITTARIUS: It’s good to assess your true friends and acquaintances. It’s important to know whom to turn to for care, warmth and true respect. So much is in flux and change that we must begin to understand where real support comes from and where our support is accepted. Reach out and touch those you care about. Surround them with love and appreciation.
CAPRICORN: Everyone who comes in contact with you realizes you are a teacher and someone to be reckoned with. They realize, although you may have a sense of humor and be the life of the party, it’s best not to cross, take advantage of, ignore or treat you unkindly. It’s good to list your likes and dislikes, needs and wants. Then post it for everyone to see.
AQUARIUS: Many changes have occurred in the past months and many uncertainties emerged and visions you held seemed to melt away due to so many unusual tasks and responsibilities. Now there is fresh air and time to choose and eliminate and you can take a stand on the direction of your life and figure out what’s a dream and what is reality.
PISCES: Look at your life and observe what it is you do daily: your thoughts, your focus, goals and intentions. What is it you want and need? Begin with what you don’t want and need. Paradoxes abound in your life. To be efficient and balanced you must stand in the middle, betwixt and between.

▲ Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute. risagoodwill@gmail.com

Categories: Advice, Risa's Astrology