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Male Call

How much is too much?

Q. In a men’s dress blog, I saw this combination of clothes similar to some I have, but I doubt it would work for me. I think it probably has too much going on. If

Male Call

Black tie etiquette

Q. My girlfriend gave me a very nice light blue pinpoint Oxford shirt. She wants me to wear it with my tuxedo to our first post-vaccine black-tie affair. I have never seen

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Can these colors go together?

Q. I have a question; it’s not about the colors that go together, but about mistakes to avoid. Can you tell me which of the following combinations are problematic: blue

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Fashion flexibility with a blazer

Q. I gasped when you recommended a short sleeve shirt under a blazer. I’ve always thought a blazer, or suit coat, demanded a cuff peeking below the end of a

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Blazing fashion paths with blazers

Q. I’ve been reading your column regularly for more than 10 years. Now I have a question. Although I have a few navy blazers, I recently purchased another one that

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Small investments for your dress shoes in winter weather pay dividends

Q. There is a lot more snow this winter than I have experienced for a while. I’m not comfortable putting on galoshes. Is there any kind of shoe that’s appropriate

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Week of Festivals — Purim, Full Moon & Lantern Festival

Our upcoming week is filled with celebrations, which lightens our somber Lenten season. Friday is Purim, the Jewish Festival of Queen Esther who saves her people by telling the truth.

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Moth repair and prevention for sweaters and suits

Q. I have a favorite cardigan sweater from Scotland that has some holes — I imagine from moths. Can these be sewn by a tailor so my shirt does not

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Gained some pandemic weight, hide it with a sweater

Q. During Covid, when I’m working at home and around food all the time, I have gained weight, especially in the middle. I’m looking for a way to downplay it.

Male Call

Post pandemic weight gain vs your suits

Q. My suit pants are both out of style – pleated — and no longer fit my post-quarantine weight gain (or, realistically, even pre-quarantine). As long as I don’t try