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Classical Music Everywhere

SoNA assistant conductor says it ‘unites us all’ BECCA MARTIN-BROWN Sarah Pearson, new this year as assistant conductor for the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas, sees orchestral music as the

Risa's Astrology

I Looked Up and Saw a White Horse

We are in our last days of 2018. Soon the new year begins. We have less than a month till Christmas and then the New Year. Till then, we have

8 Days a Week

8 Days A Week

Dec. 14 (Friday) Ron Campbell Art Exhibit & Sale — With original paintings based on his 50-year career in cartoons, including The Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine,” 4-8 p.m. Dec. 14; noon-6

Male Call

Don’t sweat sweater details, a handy guide to fashionable sweaters

Q. I moved a couple of years ago from New Orleans to Little Rock, where the winter temperatures get pretty cold. I own a few sweaters now and need advice.