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Advice Advice Goddess

Scold Rush

There are times when directness is best. Like if you’re an air traffic controller. What’s important is not that you make the pilot feel supported in his life goals but that he brings the plane to a stop on the runway instead of in some lady’s pool.

Family Friendly

Area Photographers Give Back

About 6 years ago, a movement started by photographers that aimed to give back to the underserved members of their community in the best way they could: professional portraits.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Scorpio – Doing No Harm – Ahimsa

Thursday is full moon, Scorpio solar festival. The focus is on the Scorpio keynote, “Warriors we are & from the battles we emerge triumphant.”

Cover Story

Republicans Win Senate, House, Governor: Arkansas Mid-Term Election Results 2014

In a landslide, Republican candidates swept the Arkansas mid-term 2014 general election.


Review: Gotham, Ep. 7 "Penguin's Umbrella"

It seems like ‘Gordon as a dirty cop’ is a line that is pretty much done at this point.


Review: The Walking Dead Ep. 4, "Slabtown"

Now we’ve got two cliffhangers for next week to make good on. “Who is in the woods?” and “What happened to Carol!?”