Saturn Enters Libra

Last Wednesday, in the early morning, Saturn (Dweller on the Threshold, Taskmaster, Disciplinarian) entered Libra. Saturn is dignified and in “exaltation” in Libra. It does good things. Libra is the sign of relationships and the creation of right relations.

“Exaltation” in astrology means the planet continues to grow in strength, bestowing goodness and the power of cooperation (Aquarian principle and Saturn is the ancient ruler of Aquarius). Saturn reorganizes, reforms and redistributes.

While in Libra, Saturn restructures our relationships to each other, allows us to see the essential needs of a partner and how to make the relationship last forever. Saturn in Libra also restructures our money and economic systems. The new currency will eventually shift to food.

Thursday Sun enters Leo — fixed, fire, gold, the heart, generous, strong, noble — the king and queen need appreciation, praise. During Leo we identify ourselves through our creations and evolve through others’ recognizing our gifts. Friday, Jupiter is stationary retrograde until Nov. 18. It’s a good time to review goals.

Sunday is full moon. Monday, Saturn opposite Uranus occurs for the fifth time. Since Autumn 2008, there has been a gradual movement toward a world uprising Saturn opposite Uranus in the ‘60s created the cultural, health, marriage, relationship revolution. Read more at and Risa’s Esoteric Astrology Facebook.

ARIES: In the next several years, how you participate in relationships will change. You might find yourself clashing with those close to you. Or there will be a need for deeper understanding with intimates. You will separate or marry, find a partner or feel solitary while learning about commitment, compromise and everything concerning I/Thou. Truth will hold you.

TAURUS: Perhaps something has changed with that romantic relationship. Perhaps you’ve defined more clearly how you want to live your life. Now there’s more responsibility with work, overwhelming at times for you are working alone. Then there’s everything not tended to from the past four years. They sit there, waiting. A huge cleaning is being called for. Health wise, too. You must take care.

GEMINI: A great gift will begin to unfold. Gradually you will come to know what motivates, encourages and provides you with confidence. You will also begin to express yourself in creative ways. This will entertain you while simultaneously providing knowledge of your purpose, identity, gifts and why you’re different.

CANCER: Your home: It’s changing or going to change or you’re going to move or add to it or abandon it or house family or … whatever it is, home is your foundation, identity and roots. It’s where you came from with all past attachments you dearly love. Reorganization must begin internally and externally. Family responsibilities increase. You may not feel brave. But you’re constant steady and stable. The family’s grateful.

LEO: You and others will seek to understand how well you communicate, gather, disseminate information, what your mental skills are, what you know and what you don’t. You will feel somber and at times worried about time and the effectiveness of your efforts. You will eliminate what’s unnecessary, organize and become more efficient and realistic. And maybe take in (more) cats.

VIRGO: You will assess feelings of self-worth and wonder how valuable you are. Seeking to know this from the outer world does not produce an adequate evaluation. You may feel unsupported, discouraged at times for you do work very hard at everything. You will be challenged to create a new sense of self-confidence and worthiness. Where is your solid financial grounding? Is it secure? Where is your garden?

LIBRA: How others “see” you, how you look, the thought of aging — these serious thoughts and more will be pondered in the coming two years. A stronger sense of self will begin to emerge along with a greater sense of self-confidence. Inner strength will develop and all illusions will cease. Especially in terms of you and family. Anything superficial will disturb and distress you. A new foundation is forming concerning future work. Slow down a bit.

SCORPIO: The contemplative life becomes a goal as you assess your past, who you are, all that you’ve accomplished, or haven’t, and all you hope to do. A cycle has come to a close. A new cycle of life begins. Everything behind the scenes begins to clear up so the new life beginning will have no dark mysteries, no past that needs completion. You will be grateful for this. It will take time. You have time eternal.

SAGITTARIUS: You’ve been so responsible to the outer world, developing your social and professional standing. Now you begin to scrutinize personal goals, aspirations, who are friends, groups and peers. Anything superficial will be eliminated (slowly). The casual will not be worthy of your time. Saying the “right thing” no longer occurs to you. You seek serious friendships and affiliations and learn what truly contributes to your happiness and joy. It’s a journey.

CAPRICORN: You are the leaders of the zodiac, different than Aries. You find solid shoes, build the ladder, climb it and from there create the needed civilization. Then you go into self-evaluation finding yourself lacking. This is normal. However, your conclusions are often incorrect. Self-evaluation allows you to know where and how to proceed.

AQUARIUS: These become your questions in life for several years: What do I believe in and what are my goals? What future am I hoping for? What drives me, what do I want to learn and what don’t I know? Does what I presently do reflect my personal philosophy of life? Do I have a philosophy of life? If yes, what is it? If no, then how I do go about my day to day, with what underlying faith, hope or vision?

PISCES: Outer world pressures lacks something and turns you inward to encounter your desires, aspiration, attachments. How you were able to control your life and environment is no longer available or effective. At first there is confusion, then adaptability takes over. It is not comfortable. There is a need for emotional freedom and a struggle emerges. You will struggle toward that liberation. Have faith. Or hope. Or at least, an espresso.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition. E-mail her at or visit her website at

Categories: Risa's Astrology